ESG Report 2023

To ensure the protection of employees' rights, the Group established the "The United Laboratories Code of Business Conduct" during the Year, which explicitly outlines the business conduct standards for The United Laboratories. The Group attaches great importance to human rights and prohibits all discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, nationality, age, pregnancy, physical disability or illness, marital or family status, sexual orientation, political opinion, social status, etc. In addition, we strictly enforce the regulations on equal pay for equal work and ensure that men and women enjoy equal treatment in the same positions. We protect the legitimate rights and interests of all employees in accordance with the law and strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations. We oppose slavery, exploitative child labor and human trafficking, and ensure that we will not knowingly do business with organizations involved in such activities. We have established strict rules that employees must be at least 18 years old to work in any position in the Group, and it is strictly prohibited to employ children under 16 years old. For this reason, the Group requires applicants to provide proof of identity during the recruitment process to verify their age and avoid wrongful employment of child Labour. Employees are required to sign a labor contract before joining the company, which should clearly state the employee's work content, salary, insurance, benefits, working hours and holidays to avoid the situation of forced work. If child labor or forced labor occurs by mistake, the Group will immediately stop the work of the relevant persons, take remedial measures and trace the reasons to avoid the recurrence of similar situations. Employees who propose to leave the company must apply according to the relevant procedures, so that the Group can know the reasons for their resignation in detail and provide proper resignation arrangements, such as salary payment. The Group applies a five-day work week and an eight-hour work day, except for employees working in specified production plants. To guarantee employees attainment of work-life balance, the Group does not encourage overtime work. In case of inevitable overtime work, the group limits the maximum daily overtime hours, with the length of overtime hours varies depending on the job position. Overtime pay is strictly issued in accordance with legal regulations and calculated based on the employee's regular wages. 9.3.1 Protecting Employee Rights All employees of the Group are entitled to statutory holidays, such as annual leave, sick leave, marriage leave, maternity leave, breastfeeding leave, paternity leave, childcare leave, nursing leave, compassionate leave, and work-related injury leave, in accordance with legal requirements. The Group also provides employees with "Five Insurances and One housing provident fund" and high- temperature subsidies in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, ensuring comprehensive protection of employees' basic welfare. Apart from the statutorily required basic welfare, in order to care for the employees and enhance employee cohesion, the Group provided the following benefits to employees during the Year: 9.3.2 Employee Rights and Benefits 73 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Provided free meals Employee Mutual Fund Annual comprehensive free health examination Updated the enterprise’s Weibo account, WeChat Public Account, etc., enabling employees to keep abreast of the latest news of the Group at all times Distributed festive (such as Chinese New Year, Women’s Day, Mid-Autumn Festival) gifts Regularly issued the enterprise journal, “The TUL’s People” and “The TUL’s Pictorials” Provided birthday cake coupons for employees