ESG Report 2023

74 Heartwarming Festive Blessings To express gratitude for the hard work of our employees and create a warm and harmonious festive atmosphere, The United Laboratories distributed mooncakes and employee welfare in advance to all staff members. The distribution of welfare was conducted in an orderly manner, and the joyous atmosphere was palpable. These thoughtful gifts, filled with the company's blessings, enhanced employees' sense of belonging and motivation in their work. Warm Mid-Autumn Welfare Work-Life Balance The Group values the physical and mental well-being of its employees and is committed to helping them achieve work-life balance. We believe cultural and sports activities help enhance the physical and psychological quality of employees, establish the teamwork spirit among them and increase their sense of belonging to the Group. Therefore, the Group, including its various production sites and subsidiaries, has established cultural activity teams, and regularly organised employee activities, thereby providing employees with a platform to enrich their spare time. The Group has organised numerous cultural and sports activities during the Year, such as sports competitions, staff travelling, departmental team building, film watching activities and festival activities. The Group will continue with the good corporate culture of having employees actively participating in activities, enabling all employees to attain work-life balance and stay both physically and mentally healthy. Employee Activities To enhance employees' work-life balance and care for their physical and mental well-being, Zhongshan Company organized a fun-filled picnic activity for the workshop teams. The employees safely cooked a variety of food at the picnic site and engaged in some entertaining games after the meal. After the activity, the employees expressed that it was a joyful and healthy event, uplifting their spirits and injecting positive energy into their work for the upcoming week. Enjoyable Picnic Activity The Engineering Department of the Zhongshan Company organized a team building activity at Zhuhai Xiangshan Park. The activity fostered friendship among personnel in different positions, strengthened team cohesion, and promoted a spirit of unity and cooperation. It laid a solid foundation for a positive work and living environment for the participating individuals in the future. Team Building Activity As the Dragon Boat Festival approached, The United Laboratories distributed Dragon Boat Festival welfare to all employees and members. The distribution site was filled with celebration and harmony, creating a lively atmosphere. Each welfare package conveyed heartfelt wishes for a healthy and joyful Dragon Boat Festival. Affectionate Dragon Boat Festival, Warming Employees Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited