ESG Report 2023

The Group listens to the voices of grassroots employees through various channels, gathering the strength of employees to understand their thoughts and attitudes towards work and life. The company analyses and responds to employee opinions and suggestions. The mutual communication between the company and employees enhances trust between each other and allows employees to truly feel the company's genuine care. 9.4 Employee Communication 75 Labour union is the bridge and link between employees and the company, the Group values and respects the employee's rights to build a Labour Union. Abides by the rights and obligations conferred by the Trade Union Law of the People's Republic of China ( 《中華人民共和國 工會法》) and the Articles of Association of Chinese Trade Union ( 《中國工會章程》 ), the Group strive to build a labour union team that serves employees wholeheartedly. Currently, Zhuhai Company, Zhongshan Company, and the Inner Mongolia Company has already established a sound employee union systems, mainly responsible for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees, democratic management of employees, and management of employee welfare activities. The annual workers' congress is held to deliberate and pass major decisions of the company, to improve the company's democratic management level, and to promote harmonious labour relations. The union includes multiple committees and grassroots organizations such as union groups and clubs, which pay attention to employees' personal and family situations, solicit and listen to employee opinions, and regularly organize various sports and cultural activities and mutual aid activities. Currently, 100% of the Group's employees participate in the labour union. 9.4.1 Labour Union Awarded the Title of Exemplary Base for Corporate Culture Construction In the Year, the "2022 Guangdong Province Summary Meeting on Corporate Culture Construction”, jointly organized by the Guangdong Enterprise Culture Research Association and the Guangdong Market Economy Promotion Association, was held in Foshan. At the meeting, outstanding units in corporate culture construction for the year 2022 were recognized and commended. The United Laboratories was honored with the title of "Exemplary Base for Corporate Culture Construction in Guangdong Province for 2022-2023" due to its excellent construction achievements. In the Year, The United Laboratories' Zhuhai Company's Employee Service Centre was rated as a demonstration point for employee services in Guangdong Province. Currently, the Employee Service Centre of The United Laboratories' Zhuhai Company consists of the Employee Cultural and Sports Activity Centre, Employee Library, "Love Mother's Cottage", Employee Home, and other service points, covering a total area of 2,600 square meters. It is equipped with separate functional rooms and is conveniently located near the employees' office space to facilitate their access to services. In the future, the labor union of the Zhuhai Company will continue to focus on the needs of the employees, strengthen humanistic care and ideological guidance, consolidate the achievements in serving employees, establish an inclusive and precise employee service system, and strive to promote the construction of harmonious labor relations, empowering employees to pursue a better quality of life. Employee Service Centre Rated as Provincial Demonstration Point Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited