ESG Report 2023

76 Employee satisfaction surveys are helpful in listening to employee voices, collecting employee opinions, and improving their work environment and job satisfaction. In the Year, the Group has distributed the annual satisfaction survey questionnaire to all employees. The questionnaire covers 15 topics, including employee job satisfaction, workplace and development satisfaction, as well as compensation and benefits satisfaction. It seeks relevant opinions from all employees. The survey results indicate that employees are generally satisfied with the work environment, opportunities to provide feedback to supervisors, and diversity and inclusivity. The following is a presentation of the employee satisfaction survey results in a bar chart format. 9.4.2 Employee Satisfaction Survey Employee Satisfaction Survey Results Survey Topics Work Environment 4.64 Opportunities to Provide Feedback to Supervisors 4.54 Diversity and Inclusivity 4.49 Opportunities for Career Growth within the Group 4.49 Recognition and Appreciation for Work 4.48 Communication with Management 4.44 Training and Development Opportunities Provided by the Group 4.39 Overall Job Satisfaction 4.38 Work-Life Balance 4.36 Availability of Tools and Resources for Effective Work 4.36 Workload and Pressure 4.33 Workplace Culture 4.31 Teamwork and Collaboration 4.30 Employee Benefits 4.23 Compensation 4.02 Scores (out of 5) Based on the survey results, the Group has initiated improvement actions and continues to monitor its performance. In the Year, a series of measures were implemented to enhance employee satisfaction. These measures include improving employee welfare and support, providing diverse and multidimensional training opportunities, strengthening training for managerial staff, and organizing multicultural activities. These ongoing efforts aim to enhance the Group's human resources management capabilities and promote sustainability. Job Satisfaction Workplace and Development Satisfaction Compensation and Benefits Satisfaction Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited