ESG Report 2023

77 The Group insists on providing the employees clear and diverse channels to file complaints and suggestions. In order to further facilitate the communication between employees and the management of the Company, Inner Mongolia Company has established a sound mechanism for handling employees' opinions and feedback, guiding and helping employees to solve relevant problems, and better serving employees. The feedback channels include messages from the “Complaint and Suggestion” column of the logistics service of the WeChat public account of Inner Mongolia Company, suggestion boxes, e-mail and feedback phone. Any dissatisfaction or reasonable suggestions related to the development and construction of the Company, including management, life and work, can be responded. The Party Committee Office, the Labour Union and the Human Resources Department are responsible for management and daily maintenance. Opinions and suggestions collected are timely summarised and reported to the Company's leaders, and relevant departments are coordinated to handle and solve them. The Company hopes that employees can freely express their opinions through the above communication channels, effectively listen to their voices, and solve their concerns. In order to deal with complaints and disputes from employees, Zhongshan Company has established a “Grievance and Mediation Policy”. Employees can submit their opinions and suggestions in writing or by email to the Administration and Human Resources Department, the Labour Union or other departments. For those who submit their opinions and suggestions in identified names, the relevant departments will reply to the complainant within a specified period of time after studying the matter. The Company has also set up a suggestion box for the person in charge of the company in public places, where employees can submit their opinions and suggestions to the company. The system also provides for dispute resolution. The Company has established a Dispute Resolution Committee to resolve labour disputes. The Committee will arrange mediation within a prescribed period of time upon receipt of an application for mediation. 9.4.3 Grievances and Suggestions Summary of “Grievance and Mediation Policy” Anonymous whistleblowing and complaints from employees are generally investigated and addressed by the relevant department within 5 working days, with a response provided to the reporting individual. In the case of significant incidents or special circumstances, the investigation and response period may be extended to 20 working days. The confidentiality of whistleblowers must be ensured by the department handling the complaints. Any unauthorized disclosure will be strictly handled by the Human Resources or the company's administration. Whistleblowers who report instances of abuse of power, harm to the collective interests of the company, favoritism, or financial theft by other employees, and whose reports are substantiated through investigation, may be eligible for rewards approved by the company, as reported by the Human Resources department. 01 The company has established a labor relations coordination and interaction platform, which includes the Labor Dispute Mediation Committee composed of employee representatives and company representatives. Employee representatives are selected from union members or elected by all employees, while company representatives are appointed by the company's management. The Chairperson of the Labor Dispute Mediation Committee is the union president. Upon receiving a mediation application, the company's Labor Dispute Mediation Committee arranges a mediation session between the parties involved within 10 working days. During the mediation process, the committee attentively listens to the statements of the parties involved regarding the facts and reasons, provides patient guidance, and assists in reaching an agreement. If a mediation agreement is not reached within 15 working days from the date of the mediation application received by the labor dispute mediation organization, either the employee or the company may apply for labor dispute arbitration with the local labor dispute arbitration institution in accordance with the law. 02 Whistleblowing and Complaints Dispute Mediation Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited