ESG Report 2023

79 Summary of “Safety Management System Manual” Conduct comprehensive occupational health and safety risk and hazard assessments to identify factors that may cause harm in the workplace. The risk assessment methods encompass qualitative and quantitative techniques, utilizing a combination of field investigations, data analysis, and expert opinions to comprehensively assess risks in areas such as physical, chemical, biological, human factors, and the environment. Factors that may trigger accidents, occupational diseases, and other health issues are identified and analysed. The assessment results are promptly recorded and reported, and corresponding control measures and emergency plans are implemented to ensure workplace safety and health. 01 Develop action plans based on the results of risk assessments and establish priorities to effectively control and manage safety risk concerns in the workplace. The development of action plans should involve the formulation of control and management measures specific to different risk concerns based on assessment results, with clear responsibilities and timelines. The setting of priorities takes into account factors such as risk levels, potential impact, and urgency. During the execution process, supervision, inspection, and evaluation should be conducted to ensure the effectiveness of measures and continuous improvement. Enhance occupational hazard investigations to identify, detect, and control work-related diseases, injuries, accidents, and other occupational hazards. The investigation scope should cover all work and related work environments, including physical, chemical, biological, and human factors. Investigation results are promptly recorded and reported, and corresponding control measures and management plans are formulated based on the results to reduce or eliminate occupational hazards. 02 To enhance OHS management, Inner Mongolia Company has established the OHS targets and metrics for the Year 2023. 9.5.1 Targets and Metrics of OHS OHS Targets Risk Assessment for Safety Production Management Policy Identification and Governance of Safety Risk Concerns for Safety Production Management Policy Evaluation is conducted when selecting suppliers and contractors, including their safety management capabilities, training programs, and emergency response capabilities, to ensure compliance with occupational health and safety standards during the course of their work. Additionally, contracts or agreements should clearly define the occupational health and safety responsibilities of both parties and specify safety standards and requirements. The Group also conducts regular monitoring and evaluation of supplier and contractor safety management to ensure ongoing compliance with occupational health and safety standards. 03 Supplier Safety Management Policy and Contractor Safety Management Policy acute poisoning and occupational disease accidents 0 level 2 and above fire and explosion accidents 0 Fatalities and serious accidents 0 Employee accident rate of minor injuries and below not exceeding 2 ‰ Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited