ESG Report 2023

81 2023 Production Safety Month The United Laboratories, with the theme of "Safety for All, Emergency Response for Everyone," has formulated specific implementation plans and actively organized a diverse range of activities as part of the "Safety Production Month." These initiatives aim to promote the concept of safety development within the company, strengthen safety production awareness, and ensure the continuous stability of safety production practices. Creating an atmosphere of activities to enhance safety promotion Prominent locations in office areas, living areas, production plants, and construction sites have been adorned with banners, thematic posters, updated bulletin board content, and rolling displays of safety knowledge and educational videos. These efforts aim to disseminate safety knowledge and foster a culture of safety. Hosting the 11th Firefighting Skills Competition To further enhance the company's overall firefighting skills and improve the firefighting abilities of personnel in various production workshops/ departments, as well as enhance the physical fitness of emergency response personnel, the Group organized the 11th Firefighting Skills Competition. Employees actively participated in various competitions, including a 400- meter material rescue and evacuation race, a hose connection competition, a 200-meter weighted evacuation race, and a 3000-meter endurance test. The successful organization of this competition has not only enhanced the internal firefighting skills and emergency response capabilities of the company but also promoted communication and cooperation among employees. We will continue to organize such activities to inspire employees to actively participate and continuously improve their skills and response capabilities, making greater contributions to the company's safety and development. Normalization of practical fire extinguisher drills for new employees " Being prepared in times of peace leads to no worries in times of crisis." Safety is the foundation for successful work. To enhance the fire safety awareness and emergency operational capabilities of new employees, and to ensure their correct and proficient use of firefighting equipment and understanding of its performance, preventive measures are taken. During the Safety Production Month, the Group organized on-site training and practical exercises on firefighting equipment for 120 newly recruited employees from March until now at the Fire Extinguisher Training Base within the factory area. Conducting training and skills competitions for safety management personnel and assessing professional competence In order to enhance the practical work capabilities of the company's safety personnel and achieve the goal of reducing workload and saving resources through optimized safety education, this competition adopted a video-based teaching format for the first time.17 employees who obtained the qualifications of registered safety engineers within the Group served as judges and evaluated the teaching videos submitted by 60 participating safety management personnel. After evaluation by the company's leadership panel, six safety management personnel were awarded first, second, and third prizes for their teaching videos. Organizing emergency drills to strengthen emergency response capabilities This drill simulated a leakage accident during the dispensing process of ethyl acetate storage tanks. When the on-duty personnel discovered a significant ethyl acetate leakage, they immediately reported it to the section head of the liquid storage department and simultaneously reported the incident to the vehicle framework due to the large-scale leakage, as per the drill's procedures and scene design. Through this emergency drill, not only were the preparations for emergency materials, equipment, and techniques tested in response to unforeseen events, but also any deficiencies identified were promptly addressed and supplemented, ensuring comprehensive emergency preparedness. By disseminating emergency knowledge, we aim to enhance the risk prevention awareness and self-help and mutual assistance capabilities of company employees in responding to emergencies. Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited