ESG Report 2023

83 Employee Health Assessments The United Laboratories' Inner Mongolia Company Union, in collaboration with the Linhe District Cultural, Tourism, and Sports Bureau of Bayannur City, conducted the Linhe District 2023 National Physical Fitness Monitoring and National Fitness Status Survey at the Cultural and Sports Center in the residential area. More than 800 employees of the company participated in the two major activities: physical fitness assessments and electronic questionnaire surveys. Over the c o u r s e o f f o u r d a y s , t h e a s s e s sme n t a c t i v i t i e s comprehensively evaluated aspects such as body morphology, functions, and qualities. Seventeen indicators, including height, weight, lung capacity, grip strength, reaction time, one- legged standing with eyes closed, and vertical jump, were monitored. Through these assessment activities, employees were able to timely identify, prevent, and treat their own health issues, thereby possessing a healthy physique and fully dedicating themselves to work with joy and leading a healthy lifestyle. Health Lectures To promote knowledge of healthy living and enhance workshop employees' awareness of healthy lifestyles through scientific methods, Workshop 16 of the Zhuhai Company organized a knowledge lecture on "Introducing Lifestyle Diseases and Improving Employee Health". The lecture introduced employees to concepts such as establishing correct perceptions of healthy living and cultivating healthy habits. This lecture allowed employees to comprehensively understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and also raised awareness of disease prevention and control. Employees gained insights into methods and techniques for developing healthy dietary habits. Inner World Fun Salon - A Journey of Self-Discovery In the midst of a busy work environment, we provide employees with an outlet for emotional and spiritual relaxation. To this end, we invited renowned psychologists to lead employees on a journey of self-discovery. Through Mandala, an art therapy method, employees had the opportunity to further explore their emotional and spiritual worlds. Through the psychological salon, we aim to establish a culture that supports employees' mental well-being, enabling each employee to find balance and happiness in their work. We believe that only when employees' physical and mental health is cared for can they fully unleash their potential and achieve better work outcomes. Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited