ESG Report 2023

85 The United Laboratories persist in environment and ecology protection, mitigate climate change, and is dedicated to pollution prevention and control, energy conservation and emission reduction. In response to the national overall goal of “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”, The United Laboratories sternly comply with the concept of co-prosperity between enterprise development and environmental protection, and is dedicated to achieving the ultimate mission of carbon neutrality through carbon emission reduction from production, technology and procedures, meanwhile, the Company is committed to achieving carbon neutrality together with global enterprises in the future without neglecting business operations. In coordination with the Country's reduction targets, the local government of Inner Mongolia launched the 14th Five-Year Plan for Addressing Climate Change in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to strengthen the collaborative control and efficiency improvement of pollution reduction and carbon emission, reinforce the coordinated promotion of greenhouse gas emission reduction and pollution prevention, establish and improve the working mechanism of pollution reduction and carbon emission, and promote the overall integration of climate change response and ecological environment. As the production base with the largest scale and the greatest production of the Group, the operation and development of Inner Mongolia Company is closely related to the above policies. Therefore, the Group always sees environmental protection as the top priority, and continues to implement the corporate environmental policy of “Law-abiding Integrity, Preventive Control, Environmental Protection, Continuous Improvement, and Harmonious Development”. As of the end of the reporting period, Inner Mongolia Company has obtained certifications for ISO 50001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, GB/T 24001-2016, RB/T 114-2014, and GB/T 23331-2020 energy management systems. Inner Mongolia Company actively responds to the national environmental protection policies, and strengthens environmental protection in its operation and production process during the Year to save energy and reduce carbon emissions, fully cooperating with the Country to respond to the challenges brought about by climate change. 10.1 Environmental Management System Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China Environmental Protection Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China Relevant Laws and Regulations Environmental Protection Aspects Internal Policies List of Environmental Protection Laws, Regulations, and Other Requirements The United Laboratories, in accordance with the Company's Quality, Environmental, and Safety Management Manual, as well as relevant environmental management systems, national, industry, and local laws and regulations, has established an internal audit mechanism for environmental management systems to enhance environmental management performance in a targeted manner. We conduct an annual internal audit through interviews, document reviews, data and site inspections to assess the effectiveness of our environmental management within the following scope: 10.1.1 Internal Audit Stakeholder impacts Emergency preparedness and response Data and environmental analysis Management review Effectiveness of improvement measures Compliance evaluation with environmental law and regulations Effectiveness of corrective actions based on previous audit recommendations Understanding and implementation of environmental policies and objectives Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Maintenance and operation of environmental facilities and equipments