ESG Report 2023

90 Under a well-established energy management system, Inner Mongolia Company implements energy conservation work from different aspects every year. Through regular inspections of the factories' machinery operation, investigation of the feasibility of various technological updates and transformations and practical implementation of energy conservation measures, the efficiency of energy consumption has been enhanced. During the Year, apart from continuing the strict implementation of regular energy conservation measures in factories and offices, Inner Mongolia Company also implemented different types of energy-saving optimisation projects to improve energy efficiency and provide new ways of reducing consumption and conserving energy. Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Formulated feasible and rigorous performance assessments, and refined the company’ s energy saving and consumption reduction assessment and reward mechanism through analysis of energy consumption in production plants Incorporated energy consumption indicators into the annual assessment of each production plant Acknowledged the production plants or individuals with outstanding performance in carrying out energy conservation work Energy Conservation Measures in Production Plants Carry out energy and water conservation publicity activities to strengthen employees’ awareness of energy conservation Prioritized the purchase of the energy conservation equipment or products with national certifications, adopted environmentally- friendly and energy-saving electrical appliances and equipment, and gradually eliminated the equipment with high energy consumption and low efficiency Reduced the power consumption of lighting equipment, turned on lighting only when necessary, and no lighting was turned on persistently, under the absence of workers, or during daylight Set computers, printers, copiers and other office equipment to low-consumption sleeping mode automatically when they were not in use, so as to reduce standby power consumption Made requirements on the operating temperature of the air conditioner, and not turning on air conditioning during holidays or when there were only few people working overtime Energy Conservation Measures in Offices Collaboration between Workshop 505 and the Power Department: Installation of dynamic compensation energy-saving devices for the fourth-phase brine unit, with an expected annual electricity savings of 11.97 million kWh Installation of self-adjusting dynamic compensation energy-saving devices for air compressors, with an expected annual electricity savings of 4.35 million kWh Energy-saving transformation of cooling tower fans, with an expected annual electricity savings of 500,000 kWh Workshop 105 underwent energy-saving transformations for fermentation tanks and seed tanks, implementing automatic connection and shutdown systems. It is projected to achieve an annual steam savings of 11,520 tonnes. In Workshop 107, a new type of continuous sterilization system for glycerol and sterile water was installed, with an expected annual energy savings of 55,000 kWh and an annual steam savings of 1,500 tonnes. Workshop 503 underwent frequency conversion transformation for slurry circulation pumps, with an expected annual electricity savings of 680,000 kWh. The Energy-saving Optimisation Project of This Year Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited ✔ ✔ ✔