ESG Report 2023

92 The Group has designated water resource management strategies for all operating locations, with main measures including water conservation in Inner Mongolia production workshops and daily office water conservation. Innovated the production processes to reduce water consumption, such as: Recycle and reuse the condensate water of the whole plant, including steam pipeline condensate, machine seal cooling water, condensate water from material concentration, etc.; Recycling and reuse of laundry water Implementation of Phase I Salt and Acid - Alkali Transformation Project results in the production of 40 - 50 % reclaimed water for power and water circulation purposes . Incorporated consumption reduction indicators into the annual assessment of each production plant. ; Water Conservation Measures in Production Plants Increased the awareness of water conservation among employees through strengthening the publicity of laws and regulations related to water-saving by means of meetings, videos and display boards. Strengthened the management of regular maintenance of water equipment to prevent leakage or dripping, so as to practice turning the faucet off at will. Water Conservation Measures in Offices Water Balance Diagram Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Sewage Treatment Workshop Sewage Water for Manufacturing Process Water Supply from Dongcheng District Water Supply Co., Ltd Drinking Water Reservoir Combined Heat and Power Plant All Workshops in Inner Monglia Company Steam 3 23,223m /d Rate of Evaporation Discharge 3 23,223m /d Reclaimed Water with Zero Discharge ✔ ✔ ✔