Corporate Information

Company Name Xingda International Holdings Limited
Registered Office Cricket Square
Hutchins Drive, P.O. Box 2681
Grand Cayman KY1-1111
Cayman Islands
Head Office 6th Floor, No. 20, Lane 599
Yunling Road (East), Putuo District
Shanghai 200062, China
Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong Unit S03, 7/F, Low block
Grand Millennium Plaza
181 Queen's Road Central
Central, Hong Kong
Sector Vehicle & Parts / Motor / Industrial
Phone Number 86-21-3250 0808 (820)
Facsimile 86-21-3250 0197
Financial Year End December 31
Board of Directors Executive Directors
Mr. LIU Jinlan (Chairman)
Mr. LIU Xiang
Mr. HANG Youming
Mr. WANG Jin

Independent Non-executive Directors
Mr. KOO Fook Sun, Louis
Ms. XU Chunhua
Ms. ZHANG Guoyun
Company Secretary and Qualified Accountant Mr. CHENG Kam Ho, CPA
Principal Bankers Agricultural Bank of China
China Construction Bank
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Auditor Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Registered Public Interest Entity Auditors
Legal Advisors As to Hong Kong Law:
Patrick Mak & Tse
Share Registrars and Transfer Offices Principal:
Suntera (Cayman) Limited
Suite 3204, Unit 2A, Block 3
Building D, P.O. Box 1586
Gardenia Court, Camana Bay
Grand Cayman, KY1-1100
Cayman Islands

Hong Kong Branch:
Boardroom Share Registrars (HK) Limited
Room 2103B, 21/F., 148 Electric Road
North Point
Hong Kong
HKEx Stock Code 1899
Listing Date 21st December, 2006

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